our Members
Waikato Sunrise Club members

Chris Dare
President 2024-2025
I have a beautiful wife (past Canberra Sunrise President) and 3 kids who have now left home. Moved from Canberra Australia to the Waikato in April 2023. Enjoy sailing and have a 38 foot yacht in Launceston, Tasmania.

Tony Dicks
Director – Secretary, PP, PHF, Trustee
Retired engineer and facilities manager, born African, Kiwi by choice. Married 46yrs to wonderful Nola and have 2 adult children. I enjoy our motorhome, biking, my Chevron car, making and fixing things around home.

Robyn Blake
Director – Treasurer, Trustee
My family are my why!! Mum to two, Nana to three. Love my canine bestie – PJ the Cocker Spaniel. Forever student – recent MBA, long-time CA, aspiring private pilot; Orthobionomy practitioner-in-training.

Dick Breukink
Director – Contributions, PP, PHF – Sapphire, Trustee
Retired hotel GM, who managed properties around the world. Proud father of two grown-ups with ambitions to travel. Really like to volunteer in the community and a fanatic participant in half-, full and ultra-marathons.

Cherie Julian
Director – Youth, Community & Distributions, PHF
I am a proud Mother of three, and have four grandkids. I have completed a Parachute Jump at 20,000 feet. I work at Direct Group Uniforms as an Account Manager – and I love a good Gin.

Mike Scarsbrook
Director – Rotary Foundation, PP
I am a Environmental Scientist working for Waikato Regional Council. We moved to Hamilton from Dunedin 30 years ago. My wife and I have two grown-up children, Joshua and Lauren.

Bryce Weal
Director – Club Services, PP, PHF – Sapphire

Carla Rule
Director – Membership and Social
Associate at Norris Ward McKinnon, Solicitors. Any spare time not spent with my fur baby, Walter the Jackapoo is spent with my nose in a book. Spends weekends tramping or travelling NZ in small camper.

Linda Kelly
Director – Fundraising, PHF
I have two sons, and am mostly retired from exciting and challenging careers in publishing, hospitality and events industries. I enjoy reading, walking/hiking, Pilates, gardening, road trips and exploring other places.

Tony Begbie
Business Broker with ABC Business Sales, and Chartered Director. Involved in other Waikato ‘for purpose’ organisations. Should be at Les Mills and MTBing more often. Often escapes to Lake Tarawera at Rotorua.

Jeremy Brook
Member, PP, PHF
After 40 great and enjoyable years as a lawyer I am now filling my days with Vintage Car motoring and valuable grand parenting activities reading and biking.

Cecelia Brown
Member, PHF, Trustee

John Cameron
I am a Retired Director of Facilities Management at the University
of Waikato. I enjoy motor-homing, biking, music, movies and family time with my 4 children and 10 grandchildren.

Lisa Clausen
Co-founder of Humanly and ekoYOU, businesses supporting and inspiring personal change with individuals and teams. Love time away with the family and friends at the beach, tramping and yoga.

Tim Densem
Member, PP, PHF

Gary Fieldes
I am a retired accountant living in Cambridge. My partner and I have seven adult children and thirteen grandchildren. We enjoy running, walking, and generally being outdoors.

Greg Forsyth
I was born and bred in Hamilton. I am the area manager for BCITO. I am married to Paula and have a lovely blended family. I love travel, music, backgammon and walking, along with great coffee.

Jim Galt
Member, PP, PHF
I am a solicitor, originally from Southland, migrated to Hamilton in 1990. My main area of interest is the Motor Caravan Association of NZ. I am married to Heather, with three adult children and four grandchildren.

Rob Gordon
Member – PHF

Ross Hargood
Member, PP, PHF – Sapphire
My wife and I are actively retired. Currently Chair of the Waikato Regional Property Trust. Love spending time with our great nephews, and love travel. 34 years with Rotary, enjoy the great people I have breakfast with each Friday.

John Higgins
Member, PHF – Sapphire
After insurance broking for over 40 years, now into a more relaxing lifestyle, including beaching and holidays with Gabriella. Also enjoy music, wine, classic cars and collecting certain old stuff.

Margaret Jenkins
Member, PHF – Sapphire
In my seventh year of retirement with no dull days. E-bike cycling in France, Central Otago, Waikato. Short tramps around NZ. An avid reader. I love recycling, gardening, a variety of volunteering and other people’s kids.

Aaron Kearney
Member, Asst DG, PP, PHF
Proudly Northland (Whangarei) born and bred. Married to Kerryn and live in Cambridge. Currently AG and District Trainer. Works at LIC (ex English teacher). Runner & Knitter (not at the same time).

Robyn Kilpatrick
Joining the great team at WSR has not only given me the opportunity to do some volunteer work again, but to meet some really great people as well. Outside of work and Rotary, there are family, friends and travel!

Raewyn Kirkman
Member, PP, PDG, PHF – Ruby
Raewyn’s background is in HR, now the CE of DV Bryant Trust, who make grants to Waikato community groups. She is a doting Nana, loves the outdoors, her motor home and spending time with friends and family.

Dianne Pollard-Williams
A Retired school Principal with 50 years in education. Whanau is extremely important. I am very proud of my Ngāti Kānohi ancestry. Our motorhome meandering, exploring and investigating Aotearoa is a great love.

Gary Robertson
Member, PHF – Sapphire
I am a retired Life Insurance Adviser. My time is spent with my wife Jenny and also I partake in golf, fly-fishing and driving my Lotus 7.

Justin Vodane
Member, PP, PHF
Born in Hamilton, practicing in my own practice as a chiropractor. Married to Philippa, and we have two sons. I try to keep my fitness up with running, tramping and a bit of cycling. A very haphazard gardener, but an avid reader.

Campbell Till
I am a retired teacher of Mathematics who has been blessed to be married to Sheridan for 45 years. We have three children and four grandchildren. I enjoy tramping, snooker and kayaking in the surf at Whangamata.

Willemien Wennekers
Member, PHF
Emigrated to NZ 40+ years ago. I have a wonderful family, children, grandchildren. Music plays a huge part in my life. I love travel, enjoy nature, reading, handcraft and spending quality time with friends.

Nicki Whyte
I am a proud mother of two adult sons. I am a primary school teacher. I enjoy walking, reading, watching movies and spending time with family and friends.

Kendal Evitts

Moira Gray