About Us
waikato sunrise rotary
Who are we?
The Rotary Club of Waikato Sunrise is part of a worldwide organisation of business, professional and laypeople uniting to provide humanitarian service, build goodwill and peace in the world, and promote high ethical standards.

Waikato Sunrise was chartered in 1987 and is part of District 9930 which covers the central North Island.
Our members are a vibrant and passionate group of men and women who focus on contributing to both our local and international communities – with a particular interest in youth development.
As a service organisation, Waikato Sunrise Rotary has internally and externally focused roles and responsibilities. Members offer to help where and when they can with some volunteering opportunities requiring few members and time whilst others involve all members that are able and a lot of time and all the options in the middle. Often family members and friends volunteer as well.
Community service
Waikato Sunrise look for opportunities to become involved in community projects or provide community support in Hamilton or overseas. In recent years we have:
- Volunteered at the Run the Runway fundraising event at Hamilton Airport
- Supported the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren annual Christmas party
- Helped prepare a barn for its arriving animals for Hope Rising Farm
- Transplanted seedlings into pots ready to be used in gully restoration
- Helped out at sewing bees to create sustainable and reusable period products for Days for Girls
- Sent working parties of Rotarians to villages in Fiji to help refurbish school buildings.
- Provided and distributed bark around trees at Melville Primary School.
- Provided dictionaries into Melville and Crawshaw Primary Schools for year 4 students.
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi